Rock Steady Boxing VC/LA has 4 locations to serve our growing Parkinson's Community!
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I have so many doctor’s appointments, and other obligations, I don’t know if I can fit it in...

My Parkinson’s has progressed too far to benefit now…

Just ask any of our Rock Steady Boxers who thought the same thing before starting our program! Now they schedule everything else around class time knowing how much it has actually cut down on doctor’s visits and medication, and given them the ability to participate in more joyful things like travel, work, and quality time spent with family and grandkids.
Even if you are using a walker or wheelchair you will benefit from the Rock Steady Boxing program. All exercises are modified based on the individual’s ability while boxers are lovingly encouraged to push themselves past limitations.

It sounds great, but Rock Steady isn’t convenient for me...

I don’t drive anymore and have no way to get there...

Even if you can only attend class once a week, you will feel happier and be healthier. Rock Steady Boxing is so much more than an exercise program –lifelong friendships are formed, care partners make valuable connections, and everyone learns skills that will help them function better on a daily basis –even when they are away from the gym.
No problem! There are currently 4 ways to participate in the Rock Steady Boxing VC/LA program: 1.) Join our classes LIVE online from the comfort of your home on the popular Zoom platform –we’ll show you how 2.) Join a carpool to the gym with fellow participants 3.) Personal training in your home or live with us online 4.) Many boxers enjoy alternate transportation solutions like Dial-A-Ride and Senior Transport.

I'm too old to participate...​

I don’t know anyone there...

No, you’re not. Our oldest boxer is currently 92, and our youngest is in her 40’s. You are never too old to Fight Back Against Parkinson’s Disease…and WIN! All ages and stages are welcome!
Rock Steady boxers know no strangers. They all share the same fight and will welcome you with open arms. The camaraderie in the gym is just as important as the exercise training. The immediate friendship, support and encouragement you will experience is your first step to a happy, healthy, HOPEFUL future.

See What Our Rock Steady Boxers Are Saying

We've asked past and current Rock Steady Boxing VC/LA members to share their experience with us and how we helped them with their daily lives.